Nangs – Everything you need to know

Nangs, whipits, chargers, bulbs, Nos, laughing gas – whatever you call it, how much do you really know about nitrous oxide? Ruth Nicol explains the ins and outs of a drug that stirs up controversy despite its relatively low potential for harm. If you are looking to buy nangs look for an authentic website before you order.

What is nitrous oxide?
Nitrous oxide – also known as laughing gas, NOS, or nangs – is a colorless gas that has been used to provide sedation and pain relief during childbirth and minor dental procedures for more than 150 years.

Medical nitrous oxide is usually inhaled, mixed with oxygen, through a small mask that fits over your nose. It is sometimes combined with another anesthetic gas as well as medical oxygen and given through a tube placed in the throat to provide sedation during surgery.

Medical nitrous oxide is sold in large bottles to licensed dentists and physicians and to be used only under their supervision.

Nitrous oxide is also used as a propellant for the manufacture of whipped cream. It is sold in small cans available at some supply stores; They can also be purchased online. These 8g boxes cost about $15 for a box of 10. How is

NOS used outside of medical facilities?
Nitrous oxide has been used as a recreational drug since its discovery in the late 1700s.

Today, most users drop the contents of a single canister of nitrous oxide into a balloon. and inhale from it a high amount for a short period of time. It’s common to see used balloons and empty boxes lying on the ground at events like music festivals.

Unlike many other drugs, nitrous oxide cannot be produced on its own. Because it needs to be stored under high pressure in the box and can’t be easily mixed with other drugs.

What are the risks of using NOS?
No medicine is completely safe. But the consensus among addiction experts, including David Newcombe of the University of Auckland’s Center for Addiction Research, is that the use of nitrous oxide is far less dangerous than the use of many other drugs, including alcohol.

“Nitrogen oxide is much less harmful than alcohol,” he says. “It may cause some inconvenience when used, but its potency is relatively low and its effects wear off quickly.

One of the biggest potential damages is from inhaling air directly from the cartridge. It is released at very high pressure, which can put the user at risk of frostbite.

Newcome says using nitrous oxide for long periods of time or without fresh air can also cause someone to become hypoxic – a lack of oxygen – which in very rare cases can cause a heart attack.

According to Emily Hughes, program director for the Drug Foundation, other possible harms of nitrous oxide include:

falls and self-injury after being temporarily stunned or stunned
spontaneously burns due to cold gas when opening the toner cartridge.
She says that in rare cases, regular users can develop vitamin B12 deficiency. However, this can easily be treated with supplements.

Newcombe and Hughes’ views on the relatively low risk of nitrous oxide use are supported by figures released by the Canterbury County Health Commission under the Official Information Act in April 2021. They showed that in the previous two years, only three people had attended a hospital emergency room due to – “at least in part” – nitrous oxide use. Four other people were hospitalized during this time, three of whom suffered adverse effects from the clinically used nitrous oxide. The fourth one intentionally poisoned himself by using aura.

Is nitrous oxide a gateway drug to other more harmful drugs?
Neither Newcombe nor Hughes sees nitrous oxide as a gateway drug.

“I would doubt very much that people would use nitrous oxide then go on to use something like P,” says Newcombe.

He says that unlike other drugs, including alcohol, regular users are also extremely unlikely to become dependent on nitrous oxide.

According to Hughes, nitrous oxide appeals to a different group than those who use more dangerous substances that are inhaled, such as butane.

“NOS offers a pretty short-term high. If you want to go out and party for hours on end, NOS won’t get you there.